Saturday, May 12, 2012

Celebrating Catherine Ryan Hyde

Today I want to post something different. Hopefully some of you might now Catherine Ryan Hyde. She is an amazing YA author, and her work is as wonderful as she is as a person. Some of you might not know her as an author, but for sure most of you have watched the movie Pay it Forward, with Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt. She is the one who wrote the book that inspirated the movie. Here you have a link to Catherine's website.

This post is then to promote her work, and for that I am hosting a giveaway! The prize will be a copy of one of my favorite book by the author, Becoming Chloe. In case that the participants already have it, the copy will be any other book by Catherine Ryan Hyde.

To participate in the giveaway

The only thing you have to do to participate in this contest is to write a short story -topic at your choice-, no longer than 100 words. The reason being is that I believe in promoting writing. Most people think the most important thing is to persuade people to read more. Well, that is not possible if people do not write, is it? Beside all that, I also believe in people potential to write. I started writing essays and short stories and, at the beginning I thought they were really bad, but then some people asked me for more, and so I kept writing. Now I'm about to finish my first book.

That's why the only requirement to participate in the giveaway is to write some words. The best one will get the prize. In the event that more than one story deserve to win the contest, a copy of Becoming Chloe will be given to each participant.

The giveaway will take place the last week of June (June 23rd - June 30th).

And the contest starts NOW!
